Christmas Boxes for Appalachia

Each year we partner with Olive Branch Ministries to help provide Christmas gifts for children, teens, and adults in Appalachian regions of Kentucky and Tennessee. Whether you would like to pack a box on your own or help contribute items to 40 boxes we will fill together during Families on Mission Wednesday, November 8, follow this guide to shop. You can also find information and sign up for a specific item in the HUB outside of the Worship Center.

For all boxes:
2-in-1 Shampoo/Body Wash
$10 gift card to Walmart, Family Dollar, or Dollar General
Age appropriate book
Age appropriate art supplies

For elementary boxes:
Nice toy
Other items-toys, nail polish, lip gloss, jewelry, hair bows, coloring books, card games, Legos, dolls, Hot Wheels, etc.

For middle & high school boxes:
Other items-card games, perfume, body spray, wallet, jewelry, nail polish, etc.

Thank you for helping us love our neighbor through these Christmas Boxes.

Operation Inasmuch Fall 2023

The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, inasmuch as you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." -Matthew 25:40

Sign up to serve at one of GBC's ministry partners for Operation Inasmuch on Saturday, September 9:

Items being collected for the Baby Bags include:

Baby Blankets
Infant gown or sleeper
Diapers (size premie or newborn)
Baby Wipes
Suction Bulbs
Baby Lotion
Baby Shampoo
Baby Nail Clippers

Senior Pastor Candidate Call Weekend

We are excited to welcome our Senior Pastor Candidate soon for a Call Weekend!

Please make plans to come and meet our candidate at a Meet & Greet on Saturday, July 8 from 2-4 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will give you the opportunity to learn about, talk with, and ask questions of them.

The next day, Sunday, July 9, our Senior Pastor Candidate will be preaching in both the 8:45 am and 11 am service. At the conclusion of both services there will be a vote to extend the call for them to be our next Senior Pastor. During the 10 am Sunday School hour, the candidate will stop by classes to briefly visit.

Please know that we are doing all that we can to keep the candidate's identity a secret simply to prevent their current congregation from hearing the news from us and not from the candidate. Know that this is common practice in calling pastoral staff.

As we anticipate this exciting Call Weekend, we ask that you continue to pray for our Pastoral Search Committee, our Senior Pastor Candidate, and our congregation.