Associate Pastor Call Weekend Schedule


This weekend, we will be welcoming our final Associate Pastor candidate for a Call Weekend! We invite you to meet the candidate at a variety of events (marked with "Everyone Welcome") throughout the weekend! The itinerary is as follows:

Friday, December 16:
- Individual Meeting with Pastor Alan
- Coffee with Church Staff
- Meeting with Preschool Staff
- Dinner with Associate Pastor Search Committee

Saturday, December 17:
- 9am - EVERYONE WELCOME - Candidate will give a devotion before we depart to deliver Christmas Baskets
- 9:30-11am - EVERYONE WELCOME - Candidate will lead an activity with children. This will include: The Christmas Story and Nativity Scene crafts
- 11am-1pm - Lunch with Children's Ministry Committee and lead children’s ministry volunteers
- 3-4pm - Meet and Greet with Deacons, Church Council, Personnel, Finance
- 4-5pm - A more formal meeting with the Personnel and Finance Committees
- 5-6pm - EVERYONE WELCOME - Meet and Greet open to the entire church congregation
*Following dinner, the candidate will meet with Pastor Alan and Pastor Tim

Sunday, December 18: 
- 8:30am - EVERYONE WELCOME - Donuts and coffee with church at large
- 9am - Worship - EVERYONE WELCOME!
- 10am - The Candidate will tour the Sunday School classes for children, the nursery, etc.
- 11am - Worship - EVERYONE WELCOME!
- 1pm - Lunch with Associate Pastor Search Committee

Youth Lock-In

The Youth Lock-In is Sunday night, November 6, from 7pm to Monday morning, November 7, at 7am (Scott County schools are out Monday)! We will start out at the church at 7pm, play some games, get to know each other, and eat before our big activity of the night, then after that we will walk over to the Georgetown College Rec Center for all night movies, gym time (dodgeball, basketball, etc.), video games, and snacks. I hope you will join us and invite your friends. It's free; however, please make sure you have a signed GBC permission form (download here) & signed Georgetown College release form (download here) for each person attending. 

Families on Mission Starts Back September 14!

Our monthly Families on Mission activities are starting back in September for children, youth and our families to serve together one Wednesday night each month. We hope you and your family will join us on Wednesday, September 14 at Quest Farm (627 Glass Rd) between 5:30pm-7:30pm to help them get ready for their big Harvest Day event that weekend. Quest Farm is a wonderful and important program in our community that serves adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities ( There will be food and projects for all ages, and you can come and go as your schedule allows. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Tim ( I hope you will be a part of this important opportunity for your family!

Upcoming FOM dates for this fall

  • October 26: Trunk-or-Treat neighborhood party
  • November 9: Operation Christmas Child packing party
  • December 7: Lottie Moon pancake supper and Christmas caroling

*Please note: every other week we will have Children on Mission (3rd floor children’s room) and Wednesday Youth (4th floor youth room) at 6:30pm.